About me

“Hello there”
Obi Wan
I’m Alistair and I’m a photographer, though I’m pretty sure that part is obvious as you are here on my pet photography site. I call myself #TheBeardyTog, and here’s a bit about the person behind the camera…
Star Wars
You might have also guessed with the quote at the start of this that I am a huge Star Wars nerd, and have been since the 70’s. So quite often a Star Wars quote will pop up in conversation. ( I am also drinking from my Star Wars mug as I type this). With photography you need to be in command of both the light and the dark, so the Sith and the Jedi have nothing on me!
Animal Lover
I’m an animal lover (one of the reasons I specialise in Pet Pawtraits) My top 3 being dogs, elephants and Highland Coo’s. I dream of owning a cottage in the highlands with dogs and a small herd of the hairy coos roaming around.
I am also a lover of coffee, single malt whisky (no e) and craft beer. I have often joked that coffee is the only reason that I am not serving time… Not too long ago I was gifted an airfryer, it’s been lifechanging! From the guy who was happy to chuck a ready meal in the nuker, I am now the guy who cooks every night. I love seeing what random and different things can be airfried, it makes cooking fun. I will add that you do need to try my epic CAC burgers… Hmmm that sounded better in my head… CAC being, Cornflakey Airfried Chicken, this is the best thing that has ever been done to the simple chicken breast. The Colonel can’t compete with these!
Reading is another passion of mine. My Kindle is my portable library with over 1000 books stacked on the virtual shelves. Anything from fiction to biographies to learning, I just love reading. My favourite authors being Tom Clancy, Lee Child and Barry Eisler. Fun fact: The main character in their books all have the initials JR.. Jack Ryan, Jack Reacher and John Rain.
As you can probably guess from the use of my clan tartan I am very proud to be a member of the Clan MacLeod, McLeod, MacLeòid. I traced my family tree a few years ago. My family came from the Isles of Harris & Skye. Skye and Scottish Highlands are my favourite places to holiday. The landscapes and scenery are beyond epic, it always feels like I have gone home when I visit. Fun fact: Sheep tried to kill me on one of my hikes on Skye. They lured me to a deep peat bog, I have a photo somewhere of the moment it went wrong.
My family history and love of the area has also lead me to start my journey learning the language of my ancestors. Gàidhlig, one day I will be fluent. I have on occasion introduced myself as: Alistair McLeod of the clan McLeod, defender of man, son of Leòd, with confused looks following.