Let’s Talk About Dogs
Let’s talk about Dogs! Aren’t they just the best? On average over the last 4 years there has been a rise of about 10% in the number of UK households that have a dog. If you can’t tell, I’m a massive dog lover and always have been. Love for dogs began when I was a kid. My beloved dog Jack, who became my best buddy in my late teens, was quite simply the best. I’ve talked about him before, and even though he’s been gone for a while, he’s always in my thoughts and conversations. That will never change. The saying goes, “A dog is the only thing that loves you more than it loves itself,” and I can vouch for that wholeheartedly. The unconditional love they offer is just the purest thing, and it’s something we should never take for granted. They deserve every bit of our love in return.

The Joy of Coming Home
Everyone has their own opinions, but for me, there’s nothing like the joy of coming home to an excited dog. If you’ve been at work or just out and about (why wasn’t your dog with you??), and your dog greets you with boundless excitement, well you can’t be cross about that waggy tailed greeting. That’s the time for a cuddle and a belly rub. Remember, you’re their entire world! For me, Jack’s warm happy welcome was the highlight of my day when I returned from work.
Why Do People Have Dogs
Being a dog’s human is a very special gift. There are various reasons that people have or want dogs. Being a dog lover is the most crucial one. For many, a dog completes their family jigsaw puzzle, while others are looking for companionship, security, or a working dog. Each person has their unique reason for wanting a dog, but they also have their unique living and family situation. One thing is for sure though, dogs should NEVER be treated as fashion accessories!
Finding the Perfect Dog
In a social media post I shared the other day – or that could be the other year depending on when you see this – I mentioned a book that I read cover to cover multiple times when deciding to get a dog. I didn’t just settle on a Labrador; I chose one because it was the perfect fit for my family. I had also considered Bernese Mountain Dogs, but as much as I loved them, when I looked into their needs, they weren’t suitable for me or my family. It would’ve been 100% unfair to both the dog and my parents if I had gone for one. My Labrador Jack on the other hand was the perfect choice for us.

Research is Key
The first and most crucial step for anyone who is thinking about getting a dog is research. Read lots of books, talk to other owners, join Facebook groups, and explore websites. Even join owners on walks if possible. Learn anything and everything you can about the breed to ensure it’s the right fit for you and your lifestyle. Just because a dog is the fashionable dog of the moment, it doesn’t mean it’s a good fit for you. Getting a dog based solely on looks, chances are it would be like buying a two-seater supercar for a family of four—it won’t work.
Creating a Happy Home
To ensure a happy home for both you and your dog, you need to be able to meet and provide all their needs. There are so many awesome breeds to consider, each with their own quirks and requirements. If you can’t commit to long walks, don’t get a dog that needs them. You want a calm, cuddly dog?, avoid high-energy breeds. If you have or plan on having children, make sure it’s a breed that is tolerant of inquisitive hands. But it’s equally, if not more important to make sure that you teach your kids how to behave with, and around dogs. So many dogs end up in rescue centres because people don’t research and realise too late that the dog isn’t a good fit. I honestly don’t think people fully realise the utter heartbreak that causes the dog. They suddenly go from being in their happy place with their humans where they felt safe and secure, to being in a cage confused and all alone. The heartbreak is a real thing. This is why you really need to think carefully and make sure everything about the dog you are looking at fits 100% with your family and lifestyle.

Consider the Dog’s Age
Everyone loves puppies, – show me someone who doesn’t, and I will show you a person without a soul – but they require a lot of time, attention, and training. If you can’t provide that, it’s not fair to the puppy. It’s also not a great start to your relationship with your dog. I am a firm believer in positive reinforcement for training, avoiding punishment-based methods or harsh collars (deplorable things). If you are going to go for the trainer route, looking for a trainer can be a minefield, so asking around for local recommendations is a must, the online dog groups are great for this. There are also loads of books and videos on training methods. The dog trainer Steve Mann is all about positive dog training and has a great selection of books, and a training course on BBC Maestro that are all excellent resources.
If a puppy isn’t right for you, you could consider adopting from a rescue centre. The joy on a rescue dog’s face when they find a forever home is heartwarming. You might have to jump through a few hoops, but the reason most of the dogs are there is because of as I said above the previous humans didn’t. So, it might initially involve some effort, it’s incredibly rewarding to give a dog a second chance.
Training and Understanding
Training isn’t just for the dog; it’s for you too. Learning about dog body language is key to a harmonious relationship and a life of understanding. I highly recommend the book “Doggie Language” for a deeper understanding. Click the button below for a link to my review. Additionally, completing a Dog First Aid course is invaluable. I took one for my photography work, while I hope never to use those skills, being prepared is reassuring. Having a doggie first aid kit is also a good idea.

A Friend for Life
So when I say Let’s talk about dogs, its about everything dog. When you find the perfect dog, you’ve found a friend for life. Cherish every moment with your new best friend, because I guarantee they are cherishing those moments with you! When you’ve found your ideal canine companion, click that link below to book a photoshoot with me to capture those precious memories.